Author Archive

Phase 2 of RCnet v2 begins | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

Phase 2 of RCnet v2 is now live, bringing with it new preview versions of the Radix Wallet for Android and iOS, an updated Gateway and Dashboard, new …

How can we help you promote your project & validator?

What’s up Radix Fam,

The Radix Council has been hard at work, striving to promote Radix projects, validators, and Scrypto developers to enhance your…

Account Export Process for Olympia Wallet Developers | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

‍This post is intended for developers of Olympia Radix wallets, or developers who are interested in the lower level details of the wallet transition p…

Booster Program Participants: The Momentum Builds | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

The selection phase of the Babylon Booster Program is complete, marking another stride forward on the path towards a radically better DeFi and Web3 ec…

Babylon RCnet v2 is Live | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

RCnet v2 is now live, and Scrypto is now feature-complete for Babylon.RCnet v2 consists of two phases.\xa0 This first phase consists of just the “low lev…

Scrypto Tips by Austin

Radix Community Council will start a series of Scrypto tips for the both experienced and inexperienced Scrypto devs who are out there, coding their da…

Babylon Release Update | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

One of the five core values of RDX Works says “Do the right thing, not the easy thing.”\xa0 It comes up a lot whenever there is a dilemma between taking …

Radix’s Asset-Oriented Transactions | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

In the previous article we talked about how the concept of today’s blockchain transactions makes it impossible to address a number of serious problems…

The Problem with Crypto Transactions Today | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

Web3 and DeFi today aren’t ready for mainstream users; it’s all too confusing, risky, and expensive for anyone who isn’t a dedicated crypto head. Ther…

Runs on Radix: When Radix Wins, You Win Too. | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

Runs on Radix: When Radix Wins, You Win Too.\xa0In 1992, only 22% of home PC buyers were aware of Intel computer chips. Thanks to clever marketing of a s…