Tech Talk: Using RadQuest Assets with your dApp | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

The launch of RadQuest comes with various assets that users can earn and claim to their registered account. These assets are open and decentralized, like a real NFT collection, and are designed to bring energy not just to RadQuest itself, but potentially to other ecosystem dApps that can interact with them and RadQuest’s users in various ways.

As users complete quests, they receive “gift boxes” which contain some “ingredient” assets (both fungible and non-fungible tokens) that can later be combined to create collectible RadMorph NFTs. Both ingredients and final RadMorphs include things like quality, rarity, limited edition status, and other traits. This article will provide reference data for each asset provided by RadQuest and some ideas how they can be used with your dApp.

Tracking User Progression

The hero badge can be a great way for your dApp to identify the type of users you have and tailor the experience you want to provide accordingly.

Users onboarded to RadQuest will receive a RadQuest Hero Badge NFT which tracks user progress in RadQuest. Developers can keep a lookout for this badge when users are ready to venture out to other dApps in the Radix ecosystem and tailor your dApp’s user experience based on the progress of the user. The user just has to share the account which holds the Hero Badge they received from RadQuest with your dApp.

For example, when a user is logged into your dApp, you might read the “quests_counter” data field in their Hero Badge NFT and provide a simpler UI view for a user who have only completed a handful of quests and provide a more comprehensive UI with more optionality for users who have completed all the quest. Or, you might use the “quests_completed” field to look out for specific quests they’ve completed, indicating familiarity with certain concepts, before you reveal a more advanced feature to your users.

The hero badge can be a great way for your dApp to identify the type of users you have and tailor the experience you want to provide accordingly. Or it might be used as a target for airdrops to new Radix users.

RadMorph System Tokens

RadMorphs are collectible NFTs which can bring interesting uses for your dApp as it features a comprehensive NFT mechanics as RadMorphs can only be acquired by combining “ingredients” that users collect. These ingredients have carefully tuned scarcity, and some are also NFTs with their own set of randomly generated traits. The traits will be important as the combination of specific traits will create distinct RadMorphs. Users will be on the lookout for these ingredients with the specific traits so they can combine them to obtain the RadMorph they want.  

As users progress through the quests they begin receiving “gift boxes” of various quality. These gift boxes contain some quantity of Elements and 1 Morph Energy Cards.

Morph Energy Cards are non-fungible tokens which contain a unique set of traits. The Morph Energy Cards determines the shape of the RadMorph.

Elements, on the other hand, are fungible resources which serve as a fundamental building material in the RadQuest universe to fuse into RadGems. RadGems, like Morph Energy Cards, are also non-fungible tokens with its own unique set of traits which are randomly generated for every 5 Elements fused. The color and material of the RadGems determines the color and material of the RadMorph.

Together, 1 Morph Energy Card and 2 RadGems are combined to create 1 RadMorph. The traits a RadMorph receives are completely determined by the gems and card’s unique traits that are consumed to create them. Further, RadMorphs have their own “quality” that is simply determined by the sum of the qualities of the Card and RadGems that went into it. You will find the detailed specs of these assets at the end of this article for reference.

With these properties, mechanics, and synergies in mind, dApps can use these assets to provide a rich experience for users.

Users holding RadMorphs also offer some interesting opportunities for promotion to dApps. Of course, a large application will be for NFT marketplaces as users will seek out specific Morph Energy Card and RadGem traits to collect to fuse the RadMorph they have in mind. However, more ideas can be imagined from the use of the traits these NFTs have. For example, with RadGems, a gaming dApp can identify players based on the “color” trait it has and can form a clan around this trait. Further, since specific traits from RadGems or Morph Energy Cards are randomly generated, a game can acquire certain gems and cards with sought-after traits and offer it as an easter egg item.

Other Fungible Tokens

There are two fun fungible resources RadQuest provides that act as collectible currencies:

They are similar in that they both are fungible resources and have no in-game mechanics – they play no part in the creation of RadMorphs, and exist only as fun tokens to teach concepts on RadQuest. Clams are one of the first tokens that users are rewarded for completing quests and are used to introduce transferring tokens between accounts. However, due to their fungibility, dApps can provide new users fun items to exchange or have a way for users to barter with the clams they’ve earned.

RadQuest Asset Definitions

Hopefully, some of these ideas spur additional novel ideas that developers can use as part of their dApp. With the launch of RadQuest, it is expected that there will be fresh user inflows and expanding the utility of these assets can be a fun and interactive way to onboard users to your own dApp. Below are more detailed definitions which describe the various RadQuest assets to be used as a reference.