Runs on Radix: When Radix Wins, You Win Too. | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT
Runs on Radix: When Radix Wins, You Win Too.
In 1992, only 22% of home PC buyers were aware of Intel computer chips. Thanks to clever marketing of a superior product, in just two years this surged to 80%. Why was there such a parabolic shift in perception? Because Intel offered a product that they believed was better quality, more reliable, and safer for users, all they had to do was market it in a way that made the end-user aware of the benefits of something few could see or understand – a CPU. Intel needed to find a way to get the average consumer to understand why a CPU mattered, and specifically prefer buying computers with one of their processors.
To do this, Intel adopted the tagline ‘Intel. The computer inside,’ to position the processor’s role and ran a series of campaigns to associate Intel with safety, speed, and reliability. Over time, this became the more well known ‘Intel Inside” branding that many laptops still have a sticker for. It started in 1991 with the launch of the Intel Inside co-op marketing program, incentivizing cooperative advertising with computer manufacturers. By the end of 1991, 300 PC OEMs had joined the program, making it a success.
Intel then started a global print advertising campaign to explain the logo to consumers and debuted TV advertising in 1992. The key messaging was: “technology leadership”, “quality”and “reliability”.
This brand recognition has stuck with Intel for more than three decades, and for the majority of this left most of their competitors scrambling for a fraction of the market share.
Now, it may be becoming obvious at this point, but there are certain similarities to the position of Intel in the personal computing and Layer 1 networks in Web3 today – highly technical, but confusing to end users.
That’s why the “Runs on Radix” campaign is launching ahead of the Radix Babylon Mainnet upgrade. It’s a way for those builders who are leveraging the Radix Network to quickly and easily communicate to end users the power, security, and confidence they can have when using dApps that “Run on Radix”.
Just as users over the span of three decades understand that computers and systems built on Intel technology are safe, reliable, and of high quality, Runs on Radix aims to replicate the same feeling of trust and confidence when you see that a dApp Runs on Radix.
We are pleased to reveal the Runs on Radix initiative, the greatest indicator of security, scalability, and a radically better user experience in Web3 and DeFi.
Why Runs on Radix
To understand why Runs on Radix is the marking of credibility, trust, and prestige for your dApp; you need to understand the full potential of the full-stack of technology behind the Radix Network and the radically better user and developer experience it provides forWeb3 and DeFi.
Radix is built to create a Web3 future for everyone, not just the innovators here today. A Web3 world that your friends and family can participate in with ease and confidence. This is where the decade of research, tests, and development come in.
So what does a radically better user experience and developer experience really mean?
A radically better user experience
Imagine using the Radix wallet and gaining a clear and user-friendly preview of a transaction’s outcome through the Radix Transaction Manifest. This added transparency is automatic for all Radix transactions, without requiring special support from dApps or developers. Say goodbye to reliance on seed phrases with Smart Accounts, which offer a fully decentralized approach to account recovery through multi-factor options. Personas further enhance security by providing a passwordless login to Radix dApps, separating personal identity from asset ownership. With multiple Personas and independent asset account connections, users maintain control over their data and assets. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
A radically better developer experience
Developers currently spend the majority of their development time searching for security faults due to the complexity of programming languages such as Solidity. Instead, thanks to Scrypto, they spend their most productive time carrying out the true vision of their dApp, and this is how it should be.
But for the Web3 world to go mainstream, more developers must be onboarded to take it to the next level. The simplicity of Scrypto, coupled with the Radix engine, puts assets, accounts, and permissions at the heart of the programming language, making asset security easy and obvious.
A programming language that prioritizes ease of use and upholds security? Thousands of developers that have tried Scrypto can back up those claims, and you can try it for yourself or reach out to one of the projects that are building on Radix.
With Scrypto and the Radix Engine, developers and their users can be confident that dApps that Run on Radix are powerful, intuitive, and secure. Developers don’t need to worry about safely handling assets in complex dApps, as the Radix Engine does this for you. A radically better developer experience leads to a radically better user experience, something that will be instantly recognized through the Runs on Radix brand.
A consensus mechanism that scales (really)
If you’ve been in DeFi for some time, or maybe you’re fresh in the game, you’ll know that many of crypto’s most popular networks have been plagued with outages, bottlenecks, and skyrocketing fees.
Ask yourself this, are the platforms powering DeFi today scalable enough to support the global $400,000,000,000,000 financial system and “transform TradFi”? Not in its current state.
The solution lies in Cerberus, the unique consensus algorithm of Radix designed to give parallel execution while maintaining atomic composability, allowing Cerberus to scale linearly. The unsharded version of Cerberus went live in July 2021, has since experienced zero downtime, and has conducted over 2 million transactions.
According to the peer-reviewed Cerberus research paper: “The linear scalability of Cerberus is clearly evident, and tests showed that Cerberus comfortably exceeded 1 million transactions per second under multiple scenarios. With linear scalability, there is no reason why 10 million or 100 million transactions per second couldn’t be achieved so long as enough shards are added.”
The conclusion from all these tests? Cerberus is an incredibly efficient consensus protocol, which will have almost unlimited throughput capacity, while maintaining incredibly low latency when compared to other state-of-the-art multi-shard consensus protocols.
This is what ‘Runs on Radix’ truly means. It represents a decade of research, development, and building a radically better Web3 and DeFi experience that our friends, family, and colleagues can confidently use. It ensures peace of mind for both developers and users, knowing that their assets are secure.
By associating your dApp with ‘Runs on Radix,’ you gain a badge of credibility, trust, and prestige. It showcases the cutting-edge technology behind your project all backed by evidence and research.
What can projects expect from Runs on Radix?
The primary goal is supporting the projects that Run on Radix for the long term; this initiative is based on the reputation of Radix, and when Radix wins, so do you.
As the Web3 and DeFi world learns more about Radix as time goes on, especially post-Babylon when the full vision of RadFi starts to be realized, the perception of your brand will enjoy enhanced credibility, trust, and prestige amongst the Web3 community; people will understand that your dApp is built using incredible technology that will allow users to intuitively and confidently with your project, just as Intel Inside fostered the same perception back in the early 1990s for the hardware partners.
Access to a vast influencer network: Projects that participate in Runs on Radix get opportunities for their brand or project to get in front of an audience that’s already engaged.
Co-Marketing opportunities: Projects may receive Co-marketing through influencers, performance marketing, Twitter Spaces, podcast appearances, written reviews, or other similar activities. (especially if you let us know via our “Ecosystem Success” program)
Event Appearances: Projects that Run on Radix may be offered an opportunity to attend Web3 events, conferences, and meetups, providing valuable exposure, partnership leads, feedback, and connections with Web3 leaders.
Access to an Exclusive Founders Network: Runs on Radix participants gain access to a network of successful Web3 founders, fostering connections, insights, and collaborative opportunities.
Be a part of the Runs On Radix Community: Showcase your project and its features on our developer website, highlighting the diversity and creativity of our developer community. Reach a wider audience and attract potential users and collaborators.
How to participate?
Now, it’s up to you. Do you want to be a part of the most promising Web3 Community of founders and developers?