Celebrating Ecosystem Success | The Radix Blog | Radix DLT

The Radix ecosystem is filled with talented builders and incredible supporters working to build projects that will delight the next wave of web3 users. Radix Publishing wants to celebrate the successes of these projects, and the community members who provide endless support and value to the entire ecosystem.  

The team needs your help to make sure a project doesn’t go unnoticed, and to make sure they get the credit they deserve!

Why Celebrating Success Matters?

With so much going on, it can be hard to keep track of all the exciting things builders and supporters are doing. That’s why it is important to celebrate the successes of the Radix ecosystem.

By submitting the form you help.

How you can help

If you see something, say something! If you know of a project or person in the Radix ecosystem that has done something cool, make sure to flag it via this form. 

As a general rule  submissions should cover one or all of the following: 

All submissions will be reviewed and feedback will be provided.

How Successes will be Celebrated

Celebrations may take many forms, depending on the successes of the projects/people that are submitted and selected. Some of these ways include:

How You Can Get Involved

Remember, while you are out in the Radix community you can help support your favourite project by submitting their accomplishment here!