DOGECUBE Community Spotlight

Interview with @ALFRED_DULAiRE from DOGECUBE and @StefanPersson from the Radix Community





Well, on the internet you can be anything, you can be a dog. This one is from a cartoon, bojack horseman. A friend of mine who first told me about bitcoin, said I had to watch this cartoon. This is how I ended with this ironic avatar.




I’m in my mid thirties and I come from a cliché middle-class French family. I had a normies study path and did a master in chemical sciences. I was lucky enough to apply it in the chemical industry data for almost 10 years now, from manufacturing plants to customers. Everyday is a professional puzzle to manage with efficiency, thanks to the small support group working with me.

Concerning DogeCube’s team, we’re very lucky. Alex, Cedric, Jazzer, Peachy and Remz are making incredible assets for the team, thanks to simple relationships built over the years within the radix community. We have 2 PhDs nerds, a top level career in retail, a self made entrepreneur with 10+ years experience in dev, and the biggest Radix Alt crypto fan / research scientist and community catalyst: *log-bush avatar* Alex \o/




I found Radix back in 2013-2014 in some Bitcoin Talk threads, where you could find Dan’s first vision. At that time, bitcoin was already growing into a revolution, and Dan’s vision gathered along the way this huge community that we now know as Radix. In this group, based on discussions over the years, the sleepless nights, talking on the different chat boxes and in the different iterations of radix forum, I was lucky to meet people with the same interests and vision of what could be the ideal DLT solution.

Among them, Peachy is one of the unwavering long-time supporters I admire. Having him within DogeCube is an awesome seal of approval. We also gathered a nice French-speaking community with Cedric, Remz or Alex. Cedric is one of the top dev of the game, and what he delivers with XIDAR project is truly impressive, he is a major asset for RADIX as a whole! Remz and Alex are so eager to learn, I know we can go anywhere together. Jazzer is also a long time Radix supporter, I really discovered his talents with his DEFIPLAZA project, where you can swap top ETHEREUM ERC-20 tokens for the lowest fees ever seen. On this field, the guy just outsmarted the ETHEREUM team by himself, top kek! Having them onboard came quite naturally; a few chats starting here and there, some genuine questions along the way, and from those discussions things went forward. Of course, it is not a marriage, everyone can come and go as they please, but I’m very happy and lucky to stand along such people.




I had some free time at work and got this friend talking to me about Bitcoin a while ago. I dug in, read those “explain like I’m five” stuff, and I ended up on some Bitcoin Talk forum and all the different threads there. Maybe it’s because I’m from a scientific background, but I like to have some detailed description and data in front of me, it’s quite natural for me to search for this kind of information.

And this is how I ended in one of Dans threads, a man who was able to foresee Bitcoin’s limits way before they actually happened. Him explaining why, how he tested it, how it can’t fulfill its philosophy of digital money; because not everyone on earth at the same time can use it, it’s physically impossible; and how he believed a perfect DLT embracing such vision should be done, was the start. All of that together was mind blowing, and still is! This is where I got hooked by Dan’s vision, where I understood what would be needed, where it all started.

It’s at that moment that in my head, bitcoin went from digital money to digital gold. More like a reserve asset, rather than a world-wide usage asset, while we wait for the tech to be ready. It was a rollercoaster, not everything was flowers and kitties, we got all the ups and downs over the years, when Dan would think that he found the good solution, and then he found flaws, and would have to erase everything and start again from scratch. Not once, not twice, not thrice… but it was part of the journey. Sometimes I think to myself it was a bit like a forced HODL, but it was the right thing to do, to stick to the vision without compromises, and wait for everything to be ready. Not the outsider we deserved but the outsider we needed.




I did not realize it was an opportunity at first, it was more of a logical path to follow, by understanding how bitcoin works, how the different possible DLT protocols are made, and their limits at each new iteration of this technology. Why stay with a limited and clunky app on a Nokia 3310 when you can soon develop much better on a smartphone? This is where the opportunity lies.

Some may say it is luck, but luck is being at the right place at the right time. Radix looks a lot like the right place to fulfill the original Bitcoin philosophy. We just have to wait for the right time and have everything ready for when such “luck” will bloom. And seeing RCC at work and how some community members are helping spread the word and developing awesome tools, I’m confident it will be ready when it is time for Radix tech to shine. I believe we are witnessing the birth of a true new disruptive iteration of technology, and this is what i’m really waiting for. When you read it, you understand that truly scalable and decentralized digital certification for everyone is a revolution.

It is a bit of a personal historical time, like when we were young and the first time we connected onto the internet, or the first time our favorite game went from single player to multiplayer, connecting with our friends. Even though the internet at that time was clunky and the modems made lots of noises (laugh) and now we jump directly to the smooth modern one.

Bitcoin is maybe the first modem of the internet, and now with all the communication and transaction information needed, understanding that Radix has the ability to actually bring this to everyone around the world is just mind blowing. Yes, totally historical and mind-blowing.




Dogecube was launched as a social experiment. In most domains you have those three spots, to quote Margin Call movie: be the first, be the best, or cheat (aka the bullshit). In DLT invention domain, you would have BITCOIN, Radix (we all hope), all others layer 1 (we can call them shitcoins) with or without their layer 1+n chatertone.

Same for DLT application domains, I like Celsius for crypto loans, even if it isn’t the first one to propose it. But maybe it isn’t the best and is in the shitcoin category, because it isn’t deployed on the best layer 1. Time will tell. (Example used at the time of the interview).

Then “Doge Coin The First” showed everyone that there is a real market for the 3rd category, as it is in the shitcoin application on a shitcoin protocol. And it worked, in an ironic way, based on top kek, shit & giggles. A memecoin. The same way vaporwave music is mocking consumerism, I think that memecoins are mocking shitcoins that don’t know they are shitcoins.

During the last years, we saw Doge and Elon Musk showing everyone that there is a real market for the third category, mocking all those projects who want to be the best of the best. Doge came and said “Eh, I don’t care! Doge just wanna have fun”.




Exactly, so you put $10 in it, for the ride! For the meme, just to have lols. And the fact that there is a market for the third category, and the fact that it worked, for me it was really mind boggling. When I think back to my scientific background, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Where is it coming from? Why is there a support for such thing?”. Quite funny and ironic.

So why not experience the same, like Samoyed did on Solana, even if Solana isn’t the best DLT protocol. Why not do the same thing on Radix which I think is the best DLT protocol? The protocol that I think will for sure take the top spot.

The funniest part is, Radix’s consensus protocol is called Cerberus, which is already a Dog, a mythical one, big, swol, strong. Like a doge but on roïds with 3 heads… It is 3 times bigger, 3 times swoller, more dimensional, its massive compared to all others INU, a DogeCube! So yeah, it was a natural, logical path to position such a project on Radix. If it wouldn’t have popped out of the community like that, one day or another, a similar memecoin would have taken the spot anyway. And the first mover advantage is interesting when you choose the protocol you are deployed on wisely.

Thus the start of DogeCube being the first memecoin of the best DLT tech. You know, for shit & giggles at first, where posting memes could get you some free tokens and gathered thousands meme-bers every weekend for more than 6 months. Much fun, very swol. To be the best of the memecoins, more than a mascot, a true ambassador.




With adoption, memecoins are pivoting to add a use-case to their project. In addition to their Layer 1 ambassador position, most of them are now proposing a small DEX service where you can stake them, such as Shiba, Doge, or Floki DEXes.

I do agree on the need of a smart use-case to perpetuate a project’s purpose in the long run. Indeed, to depend on one influencer’s personality alone to cast its value perception within a population is a bit risky.

But a dex use-case for DogeCube would put us in a competition with much more serious projects, on Radix alone we already have 4-5 dex projects ready to take the lead at Babylon – which is awesome and a real showcase of Radix pumpamentals. And big players like UNISWAP & 1inch aren’t even in this race yet (and they will, don’t worry).

We need something more linked to the ambassador philosophy and position of DogeCube, thus our team member Jazzer’s INDEX idea is perfectly suited for this, with his very strong first deployment on ETHEREUM, his DefiPlaza project (, we can only be amazed by such potential on RADIX.

What is an INDEX? It is a basket of top tokens, like Dow Jones Industrial Average, Euronext-100 or CAC-40 are baskets of some top companies shares. By supporting and owning some DogeCube, you will support and own a fixed number of radix top alt tokens, in one swappable decentralized pool. You can have a first glimpse at others radix alt projects at DogeCubeX (, a community made AMM, even if it is not yet merged in one pool.

Which tokens should be in this INDEX basket? How can an Ambassador position and a dedicated community shine other top alts projects ? This is something our community will have to vote for, maybe once a month, with concrete implications: Which project should be in, which project to pull out, why, which tools would be helpful for them… Thanks to RADIX technology, such a DAO experiment will be possible. It will take time for the community to understand and embrace it, but I love this idea. One thing is sure, it will be very interesting to set up and follow.

It’s like a modern way of doing what we’ve done in the last 6 months with our memebrawls, but instead of challenging other projects on other chains, we can start to challenge other Radix projects to the best. The fact that it can be applied to a decentralized community, that can set the value of DOGECUBE by choosing and positioning the project’s basket, fits together pretty well. For any crypto project, your community gets you along the way. If in the end the community drives itself and you can remove yourself from the equation, that’s even better. Ultimately, we will witness an autonomous decentralized idea supported by its community, fulfilling its own destiny. This is all I wish for DogeCube.

It’s totally novel, and I think that only a tech like Radix would enable such ideas to rise.




For sure, the first projects in each application domain to be developed and launched on Radix, already tick the box “promising / must follow”. The first one to tick this is “RADIX COLLECTION” and its badges, a project by Cedric and Remz which launched and helped many NFT collections on the RADIX protocol. It is literally a zoo now thanks to those guys! OCISwap too is doing wonders on the first DEX spot narrative, these guys are strong, like the Caviar9 team.

Even if we’re talking about some use-cases already existing on other layer 1 protocols, doing it on Radix IS a game changer, as in the long run those external competitors will have to rebuild everything and relaunch on Radix anyway. So don’t hesitate! I already call this upcoming period “the big big short”. We will also have a big euphoric period when people will realize anything can be done with such technology, but also some deep dark moments as anything can be done with such technology.
The projects I’m really excited about are all the ones not existing anywhere else yet. Radix tech is so disruptive, we will see new kinds of projects and use-cases no one is thinking about yet, this is what

I’m really eager to see and to add in DOGECUBE’s INDEX.




Shia Laboeuf *DO IT* gif: Stay curious, keep your eyes open, and do not hesitate to come knock on DOGECUBE’s door, either you’re a memelord or you consider your project a top dog worthy of being displayed to our community and listed in our AMBASSADOR INDEX. Whatever your idea is, don’t hesitate, ask your questions and you will be surprised how the RADIX community is welcoming and has its heart open to discuss and help about everything.




Pour la communauté Francophone, nous allons essayer de mettre en place des events / meetings afin que les créateurs de projets Francophones viennent présenter et parler de leurs idées, et de ce qu’ils souhaitent mettre en place. Ça sera l’occasion de se rencontrer et de discuter de ce que nous aimons ou souhaitons voir au sein de Radix. J’espère qu’on pourra faire ça rapidement à la rentrée.